Defeating the Newly Dubbed “Blogger’s Block” and OYAN-inspired Widgets


There hasn’t been many exciting things in my life to blog about, at least not that I’d want to give away, but I decided I needed to write anyway because I love my blog and my blog loves me and I need to let it talk to you.

I’ve tried writing a new post three times the past week or two, but apparently those first few sentences weren’t doing it for me. Considering they began with something along the lines of “hello friends and family members who are reading this because you pity me,” my subconscious probably found that very discouraging and offensive and demanded that I “nevermind” the post … three times … in all attempts to be passive aggressive. Well, you know what? Oh well! I’m going to write anyway!

I’ve done a few updates to the blog, including the background and header. Ooh, and my lovely little new widget! I noticed on a blog I’ve been reading recently (I’ve been reading writing blogs instead of writing my own, I know, I know) that on their sidebar they were keeping track of their writing progress. This nice person running the blog even had a page about how to set it up, so that is how I’m keeping public track of my book, the Lighthouse Descendant, which I am falling in love with. Isn’t the title so wonderful? *swoon*

…Anyway, rather than just showing you how to do it, I’d like to link to his amazing blog. I’m very apprehensive about this, but I assume since I’m basically showing more people about his blog (I hope -_-) nobody will mind that I give a link to it…

I recommend his blog, it has improved my outlook on writing I believe. If you’re interested, you should check it out!

Also, he has a one-year curriculum called “One Year Adventure Novel”. Thus the name of the blog, of course.



(P.S. Thank you to my wonderful Dad for helping me troubleshoot the widget program I copy/pasted. :D)